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Lochgelly Community Council

By Industry We Flourish

Lochgelly Community Council is a voluntary organisation set up by statute by the Local Authority and run by local residents to act on behalf of its area. As the most local tier of elected representation, Community Councils play an important role in local democracy.


Lochgelly Community Council is comprised of people who care about their community and want to make it a better place to live. We are volunteers, although democratically elected, our main purpose is to represent the views of their local community to the local authority and other public bodies.


We carry out a number of activities which are in the general interest of the Town, including safeguarding and improving the amenities and environment in their area.  Community Councils can also act as a campaigning body in raising awareness of specific local issues.


Community Councils are the most local tier of statutory representation in Scotland. They bridge the gap between local authorities and communities, and help to make public bodies aware of the opinions and needs of the communities they represent.


We are currently campaigning and working on a number of projects across the town, including:

  1. New Health Centre
  2. Improving access and facilities in our Public Park

Aims and Objectives

Lochgelly Community Council are a non-political organisation, we will work across all political parties who share our values of equality and fairness to help achieve our objectives to improve our town, for residents and visitors.


Remember, when sending emails for the Community Council's attention only use the official email address.


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By Industry We Flourish

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